Tag: private tutor

Mindfulness and The Transition to Secondary School

Mindfulness and The Transition to Secondary School

By Guest Blog – Carol Powell Chatterminds

Mindfulness and The Transition to Secondary School

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Welcome to the August edition of our blog.  This month I have the honor of introducing our guest blog by Carol Powell, founder of Chatterminds.  She will be discussing mindfulness and how this can help children with the transition from Primary to Secondary School.  

How is your child feeling about moving to secondary school?

Starting secondary is a big deal.  It probably doesn’t seem that long ago that you were drinking coffee at baby groups, talking about whether your child slept through the night and now you struggle to get them out of bed in the morning!

There are likely to be lots of emotions around for your child at the moment, so we can bring some mindfulness into the mix which can help us to navigate this transition.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness means paying attention to what’s here in the present moment (our surroundings and also our internal world of mind and body).  It includes kindness to, to ourselves and also to others.

With mindfulness we can notice what is here and allow it to be here.  Often, we spend a lot of time resisting the present moment and wishing it were different somehow. “I wish it wasn’t raining.”, “I wish I wasn’t feeling anxious.”, “I wish I wasn’t so busy!”

The problem with resisting the present moment is that this adds more stress to the situation.

It can be really helpful to pause deliberately throughout our day and just notice what is here and ask ourselves what we need?  Often, we rush though our lives on ‘automatic pilot’ (doing things without thinking about them).  The problem with this is that we spend much of our time in our heads, in our thoughts and quite often in our worries.  When we live our lives this way we can miss the good stuff that is going on (there is always something good to find) and we can magnify and overthink our worries.  This can feel exhausting.

When we tune in to what is actually here and ALLOW it to be just as it is, then we can respond skilfully to our stress and move forward in a helpful way rather than with a habitual knee jerk reaction which can sometimes make things feel worse.

So how can mindfulness help with the transition to secondary school?

  • Firstly, it can allow us to stop and notice what is here.  Worry? Fear? Excitement?  And then it can provide a great place to start with communication.  We can really listen to our children and what’s going on for them.  We can then make an informed plan about how to support them.
  • We can validate their feelings and normalise them.  All feelings are normal, some don’t feel very nice but they are all normal.
  • We can empathise and understand that they are feeling worried.  “This is a worrying time, change can be scary.”
  • We can share times when we felt worried ourselves.
  • We can remember a time when they were worried before but got through it.
  • We can acknowledge that feeling worried doesn’t feel nice but it’s not dangerous and it will pass.  All feelings pass and change, just like the weather.  With mindfulness we can learn to watch our thoughts and feelings rather than get swept away by them.
  • We can look at the worries and notice what is in our control and what is not.  We can then try and let go of the things we can’t control but work with the things that we can.  E.G. We can’t control where the lessons are and the teachers that we have but we can control getting to know the teachers and taking time to learn how to get around the school.  We can look information up on the internet and get ourselves really organised.  We can’t control the friends we meet but we can control who we talk to and what we say.
  • We can think up some positive thought statements and write them down.  Your child can say these statements to themselves if they are feeling wobbly.  “I am brave!”, “I am choosing to have an amazing day!” “My challenges help me to grow!”
  • We can also learn some mindfulness breathing practices.  This brings our mind into the present moment.  The breath is a powerful tool for settling worry.
  • Finally, we can focus on all the things that we are looking forward to!  Our minds like to think about our worries a lot so we need to train them to think about the positives.

Change is a part of life, it helps us to learn and grow.  If we can talk about change in this way to our children, we are equipping them with skills of resilience.  Good luck with this important step, I am sure your children will grow and flourish in this next chapter of their lives.

Carol   Founder of Chatterminds

Visit www.chatterminds.com  or email  info@chatterminds.com

If you would like to join Carol’s facebook group –  Mindful living for ‘imperfect’ parents please join https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindfullivingforparents. 

Carol also has a new course for 11+ for information please click here

Thank you Carol for your insights. 

If you feel that your child would benefit from tuition, please get in touch today to discuss your needs and requirements. Contact me on 07717845007 or nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com.

Preventing Summer Slide

Preventing Summer Slide

Preventing Summer Slide

Summer slide picture

Welcome to the July edition of our blog, where we are looking at Preventing Summer Slide.

So, What is Summer Slide?

Summer slide is the slowing down or decline in children’s learning over the summer holidays, if they are not keeping their brains active.  Children can lose months of reading, writing and maths skills over the summer months.  This learning loss can also be seen in language and social skills particularly in younger children.

Why is this a problem?

This often means that teachers start the first part of a new academic year re-teaching or revising the previous years content.  Therefore this means that no new learning can take place until knowledge gaps are filled.  Often children who suffer from summer slide or summer learning loss will end up behind their peers.

Covid-19 and Summer Slide

The combination of summer slide and the loss of learning due to covid-19 (self-isolating, school closures, and the effects on children’s mental and physical health), this last academic year could very well exacerbate learning loss (summer slide) this summer.

How to prevent summer slide?

Summer slide is preventable just keeping children’s brains active over the summer months; ensure that children return to school ready to learn new concepts and topics.

This summer why not subscribe to my newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time) and receive your free guide “Top ten ways to help your child get a flying start this September”.  To support your child to continue their learning all summer long.

If you feel that your child would benefit from tuition, please get in touch today to discuss your needs and requirements. Contact me on 07717845007 or nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com.

Bespoke Learning & Education – What does this mean in practice?

Bespoke Learning & Education – What does this mean in practice?

Bespoke Learning & Education – What does this mean in practice?

Picture for google my business cover

Welcome to the June edition of our blog, where we are looking at Bespoke Learning & Education – What does this mean in practice?

At Serenity Education & Tutoring we offer bespoke learning and education, which is something I am extremely passionate about.  But what does this look like in practice? How could this benefit your child? How does it benefit our students, their skills, and progress?

In practice, this means that all our lessons are individually planned and with the students’ unique interests and target areas in mind.  This supports students to learn at their own pace, building their confidence and self-belief in their own abilities.  No one lesson is the same, our students are at the heart of everything we do, we encourage them to be involved in their education by choosing which areas they wish to cover, which targets should we aim for next. 

Not only does this result in good progress across the subject they are studying; it supports their wellbeing and promotes lifelong skills such as self-confidence, self-belief, resilience and perseverance, important for all aspects of learning in any context. 

Here are just a couple of recent examples:

 For our football mad year 6 we studied area and perimeter by measuring (to scale) football pitches from some of the biggest teams.  With their love of football ignited, they made short work of using the formula to discover which pitch had the greatest perimeter and which one had the greatest area. A formula they never forgot how to use for future lessons.

For our animal lover whose passion is to work with animals when they grow up – we have been studying our spag (spelling, punctuation and grammar) skills through learning about British Wildlife.  Using our new found skills to create fact sheets about a variety of species.  We have more recently been studying a wildlife story, which will enable the student to use their passion for animals, spag and creative writing skills to create their own wildlife story by the end of the summer term.

We also offer both curriculum and non-curriculum bespoke learning and education in a variety of subject areas.  For students’ not following the curriculum, we offer both structured learning and student-initiated learning sessions. 

At Serenity Education & Tutoring we believe in making learning a positive experience for all children regardless of ability.  Brilliantly summed up by one of our previous clients (for more testimonials visit our website):

“Nicola has provided very thoughtful, thorough Maths tuition for our son in year 6.  She has really been creative in the sessions, thinking of personally tailored ways to engage his interest.  She has a kind manner and has helped to build his confidence as well as his ability.  For a child who thought he couldn’t stand Maths, I’ve been amazed by how much he has enjoyed his lesson.”

If you feel that your child would benefit from tuition, please get in touch today to discuss your needs and requirements. Contact me on 07717845007 or nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com.

Welcome to Serenity Education & Tutoring

Welcome to Serenity Education & Tutoring




I’m really excited to have launched the new name for my business.  To have my new website and blog up and running.  You will be able to find the previous blog posts below. 

I will be aiming to blog monthly from now on, including ideas, tips, advice. 

If you haven’t already, please join me on Facebook, Twitter, and/or  Instagram!

I’d love to get some feedback from my audience.  So tell me…what would you like to see and read about in my blogs?

If you feel that your child would benefit from tuition, please get in touch today to discuss your needs. Contact me on 07717845007 or nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com.

Online Group Classes

Online Group Classes



This October I will be offering online group tuition classes; helping to make tuition more accessible, and to benefit more students.  There are numerous benefits to group tuition, including the enjoyment children get when working and learning with their peers.


The provision of group tuition enables students to learn collaboratively, successfully solving problems together.  This can significantly enhance a student’s confidence in their own ability, enabling them to apply their knowledge to unfamiliar situations/problems, safe in the security of the group.  When amongst peers, students feel less alone, knowing it’s not just them that struggle with a particular concept or topic.

For many students learning in a peer group with a healthy level of competition, friendship and support, with tutor guidance, makes accomplishing academic success enjoyable, boosting their confidence.

Primary group tuition classes start Saturday 3rd October 2020


Maths classes:                                                                                           

8:40 – 9:45am   Year 1 & Year 2

11:15am – 12:20pm   Year 3 & Year 4                                                                        

1:25 – 2.30pm   Year 5

2:40 – 3.45pm   Year 6

A minimum of 3 students are required for group lessons to go ahead, with a maximum of 6 students per group. £10 per student per hour. 

Fees for students:

EY, KS1, KS2 Price

KS3/KS4 Price

1:1 (1 student)
£30 per hour per student
£35 per hour per student
Paired (2 Students)
£20 per hour per student
£25 per hour per student
Small Group (3+ students up to a maximum of 6)*
£10 per hour per student
£15 per hour per student

All online tuition is completed using a combination of Zoom (video software) and Bitpaper (online whiteboard).  All students attending groups are invited to attend a Zoom chat with your tutor, free of charge prior to group tuition starting, to discuss your requirements and needs.

*more online group classes coming soon

If you feel that your child would benefit from learning in a small group, please get in touch today to discuss your needs. Contact me on 07717845007 or nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com.

private tutor, private tutor Bristol, online tutor, online maths tutor, online english tutor, online science tutor, online learning, online tuition, online group tuition, benefits of group tuition, online group tuition classes




Welcome, I’m really excited to have my new blog up and running. 

If you haven’t already, please join me on facebook, twitter and instagram!

I’d love to get some feedback from my audience.  So tell me…what would you like to see?

private tuition, tuition, blog, online tutor, online tuition, private tutor bristol, new blog, welcome