Tag: online english tutor

Why Goals are the Key to Success

Why Goals are the Key to Success

Why Goals are the Key to Success and

how they differ from New Year’s Resolutions

Goals Blog 1

It may be controversial but I don’t personally believe in New Year’s resolutions. The excitement of a new year, teeming with possibilities amidst the festivities, often compels people to create resolutions, 90% of which get abandoned just a few months later.  Resolutions tend to be significant objectives, such as achieving fitness, but you can’t transition from an inactive unfit lifestyle to a fit one without any steps in-between and often there is no consideration of why.  What do I mean by why? Well let’s take the resolution of ‘Get Fit’ what is the motivation to get fit? What drives this desire? How do you intend to succeed? How much will it cost? Will it involve a gym membership or home workouts?  Where will the workouts take place? How will you fit it into your time?  It’s the why’s that get forgotten when the buzz of a new year is here, unfortunately, optimism alone won’t help you make big changes. 

This is why I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions.  Let’s reject the notion that a date on the calendar should dictate when you make changes; change should happen when it feels right for you. For me I embrace goals, now I know you’re thinking well isn’t that the same thing.  Well no, you see goals are sustainable; they are not a fleeting commitment; they represent an ongoing dedication to progress and growth.  You can set them anytime, as already mentioned life isn’t confined to a calendar, and neither should your aspirations.  The purpose of goals is they align with your values, passions and chart out your journey, taking you from where you are now to where you are going.  They are not taken lightly.  The secret to sticking to goals is to be realistic; you can have significant goals as long as they are broken down into the stepping stones (small goals) you must cross along the way.  They are achievable and flexible as we all know that life is nothing if unpredictable; goals can be adapted instead of abandoned.  Accountability – sharing them with others who can support your journey, can be helpful to achieving them. That’s why goals not resolutions are the key to success.

smart goals

In 2024 my primary focus is “growth” a word that expresses my aspirations for both personal and professional development. My primary goal is to nurture and expand my tuition business by:

  • Improving my own skills to be able to offer tuition for all of KS3
  • Introducing new services
  • Group lessons
  • Pre-recorded lessons
  • Mini-courses
  • SAT’s Workshops
  • Online Clubs
  • Network and collaborate with other tutors
  • Improve our website experience for clients
  • Improve our monthly newsletter and emailing system to give you more regular updates

Therefore diversifying and enriching the quality of educational services I provide, reaching and supporting a broader range of students to develop their love of learning, skills and confidence.

My secondary focus is on the word ”reduce” with a specific emphasis on reducing stress, and creating a stress-free experience for both myself and my clients.  I am committed to decluttering surplus processions and exploring technologies to support streamlining and optimising of work processes. Incorporating effective time-management strategies and prioritising self-care to ensure a healthier work-life balance. Fostering a harmonious balance between growth and wellbeing. By aligning my goals with these words, I am confidence that 2024 will be a year of significant personal and professional progress.

As we step into the possibilities and embark on the journey of 2024, I’m intrigued – do you find yourself making resolutions or setting goals for the upcoming year? 

Join me in making 2024 a year of significant progress.  Stay connected by signing up for my newsletter, where you’ll receive the latest updates and be the first to know about new services, don’t miss out on staying informed – sign up today! 

Three Top Tips to Boost Your Child’s Confidence in Year 7 to Reduce Overwhelm

Three Top Tips to Boost Your Child’s Confidence in Year 7 to Reduce Overwhelm

Three Top Tips to Boost Your Child's Confidence in Year 7 to Reduce Overwhelm

The leap from primary to secondary school for many children can be a daunting and overwhelming experience.  Students are still quite young, and they’re suddenly expected to be a lot more independent, in an entirely new environment, with new people, new teachers, and a timetable that means moving between classrooms.  Consequently for some children this can massively impact their self-confidence. The best way to approach this new challenge is to support students to establish good habits early.

If your child tends to struggle with low self-esteem, you will find helpful guidance in this article from Young Minds.  You may also find this blog Mindfulness and The Transition to Secondary School   written by Carol from Chatterminds helpful to support your child during this significant transition.

In addition to the valuable insights offered in this blog about Empowering Your Child for Success: Expert Tips for the New School Year, here are my top three tips for building confidence in Year 7.

Build note-taking skills early in Year 7 in order to build a good set of notes by exam time

The curriculum that is covered in Year 7 serves as a foundation to subsequent years, and may therefore need to be recalled several times in future.  Ensuring a strong grasp of this content is important, however with the overwhelm of a new year in a new school, it can be challenging to build long term memories.  It is therefore critical for students to get good at taking notes, and this is something that can be practised with summer projects, or with a tutor.

If students can make good notes ‘in the moment’ they can refer back to them in the relative calm and familiar surroundings of their home.  This reduces the impact of any overwhelming emotions they may experience at their new school.  Additionally, this skill can help them to make new friends at school, by sharing notes and studying together.  Remember, everyone is experiencing relatively similar circumstances, thus this provides a sense of unity. 

If this is something your child struggles with, the guidance in this blog may help.

Get comfortable with the content and then get comfortable with exams

The move into year 7 can bring with it a few of the exams associated with secondary school.  While these exams may not necessarily be imminent (although there are probably a lot more topic tests through the year) that doesn’t make them any less scary.

I encourage students to build confidence with the content they are studying before dwelling too much on preparing for exams. Their ‘big’ exams are a long way off. Topic tests which focus on individual subjects at a time are a lot easier to prepare for.

Once students feel confident in their understanding of the content and can comfortably discuss it with their tutor or study partner, they are ready to practise with exam questions and learn about mark schemes, problem solving, and interleaving (all valuable exam preparation strategies).

Here’s what some other students have suggested helped them in year 7 (please note: this article contains adverts)

Tutors can help support and speed up a student’s confidence building

For a student who is feeling overwhelmed and lacking in confidence, it can be difficult to see the next step.  They might feel they are making little progress compared to their peers.  Homework might feel like it is too much, making them feel like giving up.

A tutor can make a big difference in a relatively short time for these students.  Having seen this path they need to follow with previous students facing similar hurdles. Supporting students by providing tailored guidance, designed to meet the needs of the each individual student.  

Once students are more comfortable with the content, a tutor can help practise aligning answers with the specific question – what to focus on, what the specific question is asking and what to share to get the marks.  The benefit of tuition is that it is truly bespoke to the individual student.

You can read more about this in my blog on  Bespoke Learning & Education – What does this mean in practice?

If you or your child would like some additional support with building confidence in year 7, get in touch for a no obligation conversation.  Or register your interest here for our group classes.

Empowering Your Child for Success: Expert Tips for the New School Year

Empowering Your Child for Success: Expert Tips for the New School Year

Empowering Your Child for Success: Expert Tips for the New School Year

As the new academic year approaches, it’s astonishing to think that we’re nearing the end of the summer, even though the sunny days seemed to have been scarce.  In the blink of an eye, September will be upon us. Prompting parents to focus on preparations for the new term that lies ahead.  For many children it will be an exciting time, meeting up with friends, getting to know their new teacher, exploring their new classroom or school (if moving to secondary).  It’s important to recognise that for some children returning to school can evoke feelings of nervousness and anxiety.  To ensure a seamless transition, we’ve compiled a list of five invaluable tips. We hope these insights will empower you in preparing your child for the new school year in the best possible way.

        1. Get back into a routine before September arrives.

Around a week before school starts back, gradually reintroduce the school routine. Start setting you and your child/children’s alarm clocks to match the school day. Begin the day by getting dressed and having breakfast, mimicking the school routine.  Even if they then watch TV or do whatever they normally do in the holidays afterwards.  This will help to set their body clocks, and ease the stress of early starts in September.

        2. Re-establish your homework routine

While it might seem too early, establishing your homework routine beforehand can in the save you time and stress in the long run. Create your routine with your child; allow them to be involved in deciding what time, day and where they will complete their homework.  This gives them some responsibility for their homework and by allowing them to help make the decision; they are more likely to complete their homework at the agreed time.  If you would like more strategies to prevent homework conflicts, then, then download my free guide ‘The top 5 ways to solve homework battles today!’ https://www.subscribepage.com/serenityeducationandtutoring

       3. Practice Routes if your child is travelling to school independently

This advice is particularly relevant for Secondary aged children who are commuting on their own.  If your child is travelling to school independently, practice the route with them.  Familiarise them with the specific bus they need to take, which bus stop do they catch it from near your home, which stop it drops them off at school. Make sure you practice any transport routes more than once, so your child is confident in getting to school on time.   Additionally, create a contingency plan for scenarios like what happens if they miss the bus home? Knowing in advance of a situation can help your child stay calm if something goes wrong.

       4. Encourage friendships

If your child is worried about friendships, help them to build strategies to approach new classmates.  How could they start a conversation or join a group.   If your school has a Facebook group/WhatsApp group arrange meetups in advance of the new school year, even if they are not in the same class as your child.  It could help your child to know there is friendly face they can seek out at break times.  Once school starts encourage your child to join in an extracurricular activity clubs/group. Some friendships can last a lifetime, bringing confidence and happiness.

        5. Communication is key

If your child is feeing nervous or anxious about the new school year ahead, try to reassure them by focusing on the positives.  What are they looking forward to on their first day back? Talk about who they could ask for help if they experience any problems – their teacher, their friends etc. Remind them they can always speak to you about their thoughts and feelings. 

Consider introducing your child to mindfulness, a practice that involves attentiveness to what’s here in the present moment (our surroundings and also our internal world of mind and body). It includes kindness, to ourselves and also to others. This is beneficial for children as this means we can:

  • Validate their feelings and normalise them. All feelings are normal, some don’t feel very nice but they are all normal.
  • Empathise and understand that they are feeling worried. “This is a worrying time, change can be scary.”
  • Share times when we felt worried ourselves.
  • Remember a time when they were worried before but got through it.
  • Think up some positive thought statements and write them down. Your child can say these statements to themselves if they are feeling wobbly. “I am brave!”, “I am choosing to have an amazing day!” “My challenges help me to grow!”
  • Also learn some mindfulness breathing practices. This brings our mind into the present moment. The breath is a powerful tool for settling worry.
  • To learn more about mindfulness and how it can help school transitions please read our guest blog from the wonderful Carol the Founder of Chatterminds. Blog link
  • Visit chatterminds.com, or join Carol’s facebook group – Mindful living for ‘imperfect’ parents please join https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindfullivingforparents

However your child feels about the return to school, we hope these tips for preparing them for the new school year will enable a smooth transition. Perhaps our most pivotal advice we offer centres around communication, a continual process that builds that bond between you and your child, giving them the confidence to believe they can try and succeed at new experiences and subjects.

Whether your child needs support or a challenge, we at Serenity can help develop their confidence and skills.

If you feel that your child would benefit from bespoke tuition, we encourage you to reach out today.  Contact us to discuss your specific needs, requirements or to schedule your no obligation complimentary half hour consultation. 

Contact me on 07717845007, email nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com

Or visit https://www.serenity-education-and-tutoring.co.uk/contact-me/

Top 5 tips for preparing your child for the new school year 2022/2023

Top 5 tips for preparing your child for the new school year 2022/2023

Top 5 tips for preparing your child for the new school year 2022/2023

The new academic year is not far away, with August flying by at a rate of knots, lots of parents are beginning to think about the new school year.  For many children it will be an exciting time, meeting up with friends, getting to know their new teacher, exploring their new classroom or school (if moving to secondary).  But for some children returning to school can be a nervous, anxiety inducing experience. So to help smooth the transition back to school here are 5 top tips to help you prepare your child for the new school year.

        1. Get back into a routine before September arrives.

Around a week before school starts back, start setting you and your child/children’s alarm clocks for the school day, get dressed and have breakfast as if they are going to school.  Even if they then watch TV or do whatever they normally do in the holidays afterwards.  This will help to set their body clocks, and ease the stress of early starts in September.

        2. Re-establish your homework routine

I know that sounds too early, but in the long run it will save you time and stress to sort out before the homework arrives home. Create your routine with your child; allow them to be involved in deciding what time, day and where they will complete their homework.  This gives them some responsibility for their homework and by allowing them to help make the decision; they are more likely to complete their homework at the agreed time.  If you want to know more about how to stop homework becoming a battle, then download my free guide ‘The top 5 ways to solve homework battles today!’ https://www.subscribepage.com/serenityeducationandtutoring

       3. Practice Routes if your child is travelling to school independently

This tip is more likely to apply to Secondary aged children.  If your child is travelling to school independently, practice the route with them.  Which bus, do they need to get, which bus stop do they catch it from near your home, which stop it drops them off at school. Make sure your practice any transport routes more than one, so your child is confident in getting to school on time.   Have a plan for what happens if they miss the bus home? Knowing in advance of a situation can help your child stay calm if something goes wrong.

       4. Encourage friendships

If your child is worried about friendships, help them to build strategies to approach new classmates.  How could they start a conversation or join a group.   If your school has a Facebook group/WhatsApp group arrange meetups in advance of the new school year, even if they are not in the same class as your child.  It could help your child to know there is friendly face they can seek out at break times.  Once school starts encourage your child to join in an extracurricular activity clubs/group. Some friendships can last a lifetime, bringing confidence and happiness.

        5. Communication is key

If your child is feeling nervous about the new school year, try to reassure them by focusing on the positives.  What are they looking forward to on their first day back?  Talk about who they could ask for help if they experience any problems – their teacher, their friends etc.  Remind them they can always speak to you about their thoughts and feelings. 

You could introduce your child to mindfulness, which means paying attention to what’s here in the present moment (our surroundings and also our internal world of mind and body).  It includes kindness, to ourselves and also to others.  For our children this means we can:

  • Validate their feelings and normalise them. All feelings are normal, some don’t feel very nice but they are all normal.
  • Empathise and understand that they are feeling worried. “This is a worrying time, change can be scary.”
  • Share times when we felt worried ourselves.
  • Remember a time when they were worried before but got through it.
  • Think up some positive thought statements and write them down. Your child can say these statements to themselves if they are feeling wobbly. “I am brave!”, “I am choosing to have an amazing day!” “My challenges help me to grow!”
  • Also learn some mindfulness breathing practices. This brings our mind into the present moment. The breath is a powerful tool for settling worry.
  • To learn more about mindfulness and how it can help school transitions please read our guest blog from the wonderful Carol the Founder of Chatterminds.
  • Visit chatterminds.com, or join Carol’s facebook group – Mindful living for ‘imperfect’ parents 

However your child feels about school, we hope these tips for preparing them for the new school year will enable a smooth transition.  Our biggest tip of all is communication, it continues to build that bond between you and your child, giving them the confidence to believe they can try and succeed at new experiences and subjects.

Whether your child needs support or a challenge, at Serenity we can help develop their confidence and skills.

If you feel that your child would benefit from tuition, please get in touch today to discuss your needs, requirements or to book your free half hour consultation.  You can also book your free consultation here.

Contact me on 07717845007

email: nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com

or visit https://www.serenity-education-and-tutoring.co.uk/contact-me/

Introducing The benefits of Online Group Tuition Lessons

Introducing The benefits of Online Group Tuition Lessons

Introducing The Benefits of Online Group Tuition Lessons

Welcome to the February 2022 edition of our blog.  This month I will be looking at the benefits of online group tuition lessons.  As this is something we at Serenity Education & Tutoring will shortly be offering (depending upon numbers).

Why Online Tuition?

Since March 2020, I have been tutoring exclusively online; I have seen the impact and benefits it has for both students and parents alike first hand.

These include:

 ·     No travelling, therefore no delays due to traffic, changing weather or any of the issues that have arisen and resulted in me being delayed during the past 2 years.

 ·     Location is no longer a problem; I am now able to teach students from across the UK and in fact worldwide.

 ·     Home comforts, students can complete tuition in the comfort and familiar surroundings of their own home.

 ·    Access to greater number of digital resources, rather than my resource bag which is rather limited in what I can physically carry to face to face sessions.  I have access not only to my entire digital library, but also to other online resources.  Including science simulations, and manipulatives (cubes, shapes, fractions etc.), making it easier to share resources tailored to the students’ needs, therefore enhancing learning. With work completed in the lesson and homework set (when requested), all available online on the students own bitpaper, which they can access at any time.

 ·     Immersive experience, I have found that every student who has tried online was impressed with the range of tools and enjoyed what the technology has to offer.  With students learning being rapid and extremely effective.

Why Group Tuition?

Often when parents think of online group tuition, they worry that there will be too many children, so their child won’t get the individual attention they deserve and need. 

At Serenity we will only be offering (from March 2022) small group tuition with a maximum of 6 students at a time, helping to make tuition more accessible and affordable in order to benefit more students.  Thus giving children the opportunity to receive the individual attention they need to support their learning. 

There are numerous benefits to group tuition, including the enjoyment children get when working and learning with their peers. 

How does Group Tuition benefit students?

The provision of group tuition enables students to learn collaboratively, successfully solving
problems together.  This can greatly enhance a student’s confidence in their own ability, enabling them to apply their knowledge to unfamiliar situations/problems, in the security of the group.  When amongst peers, students feel less alone, knowing it’s not just them that struggle with a particular concept or topic.

The social factor also plays a part in group tuition, where students’ can support each other,
look at a subject area from new perspective.  This teamwork can support students’ with remembering and retaining new information. 

For many students learning in a peer group with a healthy level of competition, friendship and support, with tutor guidance, makes accomplishing academic success enjoyable, boosting their confidence.

Small online group lessons will be available from March 2022 (depending upon numbers), a minimum of 3 students are required for group lessons to go ahead, with a maximum of 6 students per group.

 Fees for students (Small group tuition 3+ students sharing 1 hour lesson up to a maximum of 6) will be:



All online tuition is completed using a combination of Zoom (Video Software) and Bitpaper (online whiteboard).  All students attending groups are invited to attend a Free Zoom chat with your tutor ‘Nicola’ free of charge prior to group tuition starting, to disucss your requirements and needs.


If you feel that your child would benefit from learning in a small group, please get in touch today to discuss your needs.  Please complete the registration form here to register your interest in online group lessons, or feel free to contact me on 07717845007 or  nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com 

Preventing Summer Slide

Preventing Summer Slide

Preventing Summer Slide

Summer slide picture

Welcome to the July edition of our blog, where we are looking at Preventing Summer Slide.

So, What is Summer Slide?

Summer slide is the slowing down or decline in children’s learning over the summer holidays, if they are not keeping their brains active.  Children can lose months of reading, writing and maths skills over the summer months.  This learning loss can also be seen in language and social skills particularly in younger children.

Why is this a problem?

This often means that teachers start the first part of a new academic year re-teaching or revising the previous years content.  Therefore this means that no new learning can take place until knowledge gaps are filled.  Often children who suffer from summer slide or summer learning loss will end up behind their peers.

Covid-19 and Summer Slide

The combination of summer slide and the loss of learning due to covid-19 (self-isolating, school closures, and the effects on children’s mental and physical health), this last academic year could very well exacerbate learning loss (summer slide) this summer.

How to prevent summer slide?

Summer slide is preventable just keeping children’s brains active over the summer months; ensure that children return to school ready to learn new concepts and topics.

This summer why not subscribe to my newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time) and receive your free guide “Top ten ways to help your child get a flying start this September”.  To support your child to continue their learning all summer long.

If you feel that your child would benefit from tuition, please get in touch today to discuss your needs and requirements. Contact me on 07717845007 or nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com.

Online Group Classes

Online Group Classes



This October I will be offering online group tuition classes; helping to make tuition more accessible, and to benefit more students.  There are numerous benefits to group tuition, including the enjoyment children get when working and learning with their peers.


The provision of group tuition enables students to learn collaboratively, successfully solving problems together.  This can significantly enhance a student’s confidence in their own ability, enabling them to apply their knowledge to unfamiliar situations/problems, safe in the security of the group.  When amongst peers, students feel less alone, knowing it’s not just them that struggle with a particular concept or topic.

For many students learning in a peer group with a healthy level of competition, friendship and support, with tutor guidance, makes accomplishing academic success enjoyable, boosting their confidence.

Primary group tuition classes start Saturday 3rd October 2020


Maths classes:                                                                                           

8:40 – 9:45am   Year 1 & Year 2

11:15am – 12:20pm   Year 3 & Year 4                                                                        

1:25 – 2.30pm   Year 5

2:40 – 3.45pm   Year 6

A minimum of 3 students are required for group lessons to go ahead, with a maximum of 6 students per group. £10 per student per hour. 

Fees for students:

EY, KS1, KS2 Price

KS3/KS4 Price

1:1 (1 student)
£30 per hour per student
£35 per hour per student
Paired (2 Students)
£20 per hour per student
£25 per hour per student
Small Group (3+ students up to a maximum of 6)*
£10 per hour per student
£15 per hour per student

All online tuition is completed using a combination of Zoom (video software) and Bitpaper (online whiteboard).  All students attending groups are invited to attend a Zoom chat with your tutor, free of charge prior to group tuition starting, to discuss your requirements and needs.

*more online group classes coming soon

If you feel that your child would benefit from learning in a small group, please get in touch today to discuss your needs. Contact me on 07717845007 or nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com.

private tutor, private tutor Bristol, online tutor, online maths tutor, online english tutor, online science tutor, online learning, online tuition, online group tuition, benefits of group tuition, online group tuition classes
Benefits of Online Tuition

Benefits of Online Tuition



We live in a digital world, with communication via emails and messaging systems.  Wi-Fi connected devices including doorbells, alarm systems even lightbulbs.  Even in the workplace, video calls and webinars are common place, even more so since lockdown.  It is part of how we live, work and use our leisure time.

Since lockdown I have been tutoring exclusively online, I have seen the impact and benefits it has for both students and parents alike.

These include:

  • No travelling, therefore no delays due to traffic, changing weather or any of the issues that have arisen and resulted in me being delayed during the past 2 years.
  • Location is no longer a problem; I am now able to teach students from across the UK and in fact worldwide.
  • Home comforts, students can complete tuition in the comfort and familiar surroundings of their own home.
  • Access to greater number of digital resources, rather than my resource bag which is rather limited in what I can physically carry to face to face sessions.  I have access not only to my entire digital library, but also to other online resources.  Including science simulations, and manipulatives (cubes, shapes, fractions etc.), making it easier to share resources tailored to the students’ needs, therefore enhancing learning. With work completed in the lesson and homework set (when requested), all available online on the students own bitpaper, which they can access at any time.
  • Immersive experience, I have found that every student who has tried online was impressed with the range of tools and enjoyed what the technology has to offer.  With students learning being rapid and extremely effective. 

I personally find online tuition to be extremely effective, resulting in increased student engagement, with fewer distractions and a high level of focus.  I have also found an increase in creatively, with bitpaper having so many colours and built in shapes, students are able to choose what works best for them, helping them to better recall topics covered.  I am happy to tutor students online and have experience of doing so successfully; please see what current and past clients have to say about online tuition below.

“I just want to send my thanks for offering us online tutoring via Skype. Following a few weeks of face to face lessons, a change in circumstances meant my daughter wouldn’t be able to attend for 3 weeks. Rather than have to cancel you offered us online lessons which I was happy to accept, but to be honest a little sceptical. I shouldn’t have been. The lessons are structured really well and work perfectly using webcams and online learning tools. You’ve done a really great job of keeping the lessons interesting but also really focused. We highly recommend them and Nicola to anyone.” J Yr6

“We have seen our daughter’s progress with her maths improve dramatically since starting tuition with Nicola.  We moved from face to face tuition to online tuition as a result of the COVID-19 situation and this transition has proven extremely successful. Our daughter has continued to thrive with her maths with the online tuition and she really enjoys using the online tools and interaction during her sessions, we have been very impressed with this method.  We would highly recommend Nicola’s tuition service” C Yr8 

“Nicola has been tutoring my daughter for about 6 months. She makes her lessons fun and during lockdown her online zoom lessons have been invaluable.  I would highly recommend Nicola and her friendly and fun approach to learning.” J Yr3 

If I can be of assistance or if you have any questions I’ll be happy to help, feel free to contact me on 07717845007 or nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com.



benefits of online tuition, benefits of private tuition, online maths tutor, online science tutor, online english tutor, online tuition, Private Tutor Bristol, Private Online Tutor