Tag: online tutor

Preventing Summer Slide

Preventing Summer Slide

Preventing Summer Slide

Summer slide picture

Welcome to the July edition of our blog, where we are looking at Preventing Summer Slide.

So, What is Summer Slide?

Summer slide is the slowing down or decline in children’s learning over the summer holidays, if they are not keeping their brains active.  Children can lose months of reading, writing and maths skills over the summer months.  This learning loss can also be seen in language and social skills particularly in younger children.

Why is this a problem?

This often means that teachers start the first part of a new academic year re-teaching or revising the previous years content.  Therefore this means that no new learning can take place until knowledge gaps are filled.  Often children who suffer from summer slide or summer learning loss will end up behind their peers.

Covid-19 and Summer Slide

The combination of summer slide and the loss of learning due to covid-19 (self-isolating, school closures, and the effects on children’s mental and physical health), this last academic year could very well exacerbate learning loss (summer slide) this summer.

How to prevent summer slide?

Summer slide is preventable just keeping children’s brains active over the summer months; ensure that children return to school ready to learn new concepts and topics.

This summer why not subscribe to my newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time) and receive your free guide “Top ten ways to help your child get a flying start this September”.  To support your child to continue their learning all summer long.

If you feel that your child would benefit from tuition, please get in touch today to discuss your needs and requirements. Contact me on 07717845007 or nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com.

Online Group Classes

Online Group Classes



This October I will be offering online group tuition classes; helping to make tuition more accessible, and to benefit more students.  There are numerous benefits to group tuition, including the enjoyment children get when working and learning with their peers.


The provision of group tuition enables students to learn collaboratively, successfully solving problems together.  This can significantly enhance a student’s confidence in their own ability, enabling them to apply their knowledge to unfamiliar situations/problems, safe in the security of the group.  When amongst peers, students feel less alone, knowing it’s not just them that struggle with a particular concept or topic.

For many students learning in a peer group with a healthy level of competition, friendship and support, with tutor guidance, makes accomplishing academic success enjoyable, boosting their confidence.

Primary group tuition classes start Saturday 3rd October 2020


Maths classes:                                                                                           

8:40 – 9:45am   Year 1 & Year 2

11:15am – 12:20pm   Year 3 & Year 4                                                                        

1:25 – 2.30pm   Year 5

2:40 – 3.45pm   Year 6

A minimum of 3 students are required for group lessons to go ahead, with a maximum of 6 students per group. £10 per student per hour. 

Fees for students:

EY, KS1, KS2 Price

KS3/KS4 Price

1:1 (1 student)
£30 per hour per student
£35 per hour per student
Paired (2 Students)
£20 per hour per student
£25 per hour per student
Small Group (3+ students up to a maximum of 6)*
£10 per hour per student
£15 per hour per student

All online tuition is completed using a combination of Zoom (video software) and Bitpaper (online whiteboard).  All students attending groups are invited to attend a Zoom chat with your tutor, free of charge prior to group tuition starting, to discuss your requirements and needs.

*more online group classes coming soon

If you feel that your child would benefit from learning in a small group, please get in touch today to discuss your needs. Contact me on 07717845007 or nicola.sanders_tutor@outlook.com.

private tutor, private tutor Bristol, online tutor, online maths tutor, online english tutor, online science tutor, online learning, online tuition, online group tuition, benefits of group tuition, online group tuition classes




Welcome, I’m really excited to have my new blog up and running. 

If you haven’t already, please join me on facebook, twitter and instagram!

I’d love to get some feedback from my audience.  So tell me…what would you like to see?

private tuition, tuition, blog, online tutor, online tuition, private tutor bristol, new blog, welcome